Friday, April 20, 2012

One year on!

I have every reason to be grateful. I was hospitalized on April 11 last year with no hope of surviving. But God is faithful. Here I am today, not 100%, but better than I felt before I knew there was something wrong.

I know there are a number of people out there struggling with unimaginable diseases and sicknesses. I met a few while I was in hospital and yet more online through blog sites. I want to let you know that there is hope. Here is an excerpt from my hospital diary:

------------ Hospital diary ------------------
Date: April 20, 2011
Location: Intensive care
"Blurr..... The family of the patient on the bed beside me had to make a difficult decision - to pull life support or not.
Down to 60 mg of the dreaded, yet life saving prednesone starting today.
Morning RN: NB from New Zealand - very interesting woman.
Afternoon RN: PD and MJ - give me back NB please ...."

Date: April 21, 2011
Location: Intensive care
Morning RN: CA
CK level 894. Lowest in a long time. Weight down to 63 Kg. Surrounded by lots of drama ... ops, I'm one of them.
Dr Biggest shot in the hospital came by my bed to inform me they want to do a plasma something and need me to sign a consent form. Plasma...what?.. never heard of it, no time for google either... its the only hope and last option. 30 minutes to think about it. They have run out of other options. All neurosurgeons at a national conference came to that consensus ...
Me+family "what do I have to lose beyond my life? It's about to be lost anyway .... go for it"
1 hour later, holes pierced into big veins, catheter inserted into my neck, lots of new tubes everywhere ... it took 3 people to hold me down. different machines added to everything, more blood work .... Six hours later, first plasmaphereisis (can't pronounce or spell it) completed.
I pray this works. God my hope is in you. I haven't finished my job as a mother yet. pls pls let this work .........

---------------------- End ------------------------------

The prayers of the Saints were my sustenance during this period. Today I continue to add my prayers, along with that of many other Saints, for people going through rough times as a result of illness and for their families who are having to adjust because of the situation they find themselves in. May the Lord hear our prayers and our supplications. I pray these people find healing and peace.

Friday, April 6, 2012

A Lung Story

Hurray! Helene Campbell has got her lungs.

As always, God showed up strong on Helene's behalf. At her 11th hour, He was there for her. Our God will never let you fall. I pray Helene's body will accept her new lungs and she would have a speedy recovery.

All of you suffering from autoimmune diseases, I pray God will show up for you as He has done for Helene, and you will be relieved from pain and sufferings.

As Helene would say, "Love you lung time"